Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dear Grandma

Hi Gogo. I often think of you now that you're gone. I wonder Gogo,where you are,do you see me now? Do you see the woman I’m becoming and strive to be? Do you se the fruits of all your labour, your passion, your dedication and treasured life lessons in me? I’ve come a long way from being just  Shortie. That ginger haired skinny girl with big dreams that spoke a mile- a- minute and sang loudly out of tune at family gatherings. Here I am Gogo all grown up, still ginger, chatty and tone deaf but somehow wiser and happier. Can you believe it I live with a boy now! Yes Gogo, I finally found someone who was brave enough to reign in my crazy and love me. Now we have a beautiful baby boy named Thompson. Do you see us? Do you see Tom running around all day screaming, shouting, laughing and crying? He’s a wonderful  little boy. The cliché rings true you know. I never knew just how much love my heart could hold till I had Tom. He brings us so much joy. I wake up each morning to the sound of his sweet little voice. “Mamma!” Well actually its not that little when he’s calling, it’s rather loud and demanding. Yet I don't mind it one bit. I welcome his urgent need to see me so that he can  feel safe and secure.I love that even at eight o’clock in the morning before his day begins, before he’s seen anything and done anything, Tom needs to call on me first. He needs me. Do you see that I’m there? There for my Tom. Do you see me dragging myself out of bed to tend to him when he calls? Do you see his face light up as he reaches up to me and coos, “Mamma”? Do you see him running around the house sliding in his socks pushing his cars around, bothering his dad, talking nonsense, downing gallons of apple juice and carrying on his merry way? What about the times when we fight? When he’s angered me and I'm  frustrated and  kneeling and pointing, emphasizing lessons and threatening time-outs. How about when he decides to throw a tantrum right when Oprah starts and he insists we go outside and play ball -Grrr! It’s a charmed life isn’t it! But it’s my life and I got to have it because I was lucky enough to have known  a wise old lady called Emily who loved me and instilled in me such sound values and good morals that now abound  in my own home. I hope you’re proud Gogo. 
Like you always said- “Till we meet again…”
Love always Shortie.

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