Saturday, June 4, 2011

No Mama,Yucky! Yucky! Sgingy!

So Tom's finally hit the big two. We always hear about the terrible two's. All along I've been thinking, well they don't seem too bad. Thompson at two so far has been fun, he's talking and understanding words a little more. He's more independent, happy to play alone for a bit so I can squeeze in some chores. He follows me everywhere asking a tirade of questions, "Mama what's this? What is it? What are you doowin? Are you OK? Can I come?"  It goes on and on. I can handle that, I understand it's a curiosity borne of learning and experiencing his world in a whole new light. Sometime last week my stomach was bothering me. I just couldn't feel settled and eventually I felt a sudden attack of the runs and rushed to the toilet with Thompson in tow.
"Hey mom! whata doing?"
"Oh nothing Tom," I said, "I just want to pee."
"A pee mama OK," and he left.
Once done I realized, "Oh no I don't have enough toilet paper, just two flimsy squares left." I called Tom for help. So Tom came over and stood just outside the toilet. I pointed to the linen closet beside him and asked him to pass me a new roll of tissue by showing him the old one. He managed to grab two rolls and dropped them on the floor. So I said, " Thank-you Tom, now give mama."  He took one step back and shook his head,
"No mama, no, mine."
I said, " Please Tommy, I need it."
He said,
"Mama , a pee?'
"Yes Tom mama pee, please give me tissue, please please."
So he said," Mama a pee?"  I nodded. He shook his head,
"No mama yucky. Mama washoom (washroom), mama pooh!"
OK, he got me. Frustrated and feeling a little draughty at this point, I said,
"Tom, you don't have to stay for lunch just come in, hand me the tissue and go back to play! Please Tommy give mama!"
I saw the naughty grin spread across his face and  mischievous gleam in his eye as he ran off laughing and  saying, "No mama yucky! yucky sgingy,(stinky,) diaper. No mama no!" The boy left me out to dry...literally! Grrr terrible twos! terrible terrible two's!
Happy weekend everyone...


  1. Master say "Nasty niece who post nasty comments on uncle's fb do get their comeupance, Sins of the Mothers get avenged by Uncle's Grandkids. HAAAAHAAAAAA!!!!. P.s Good prose though keep going, you should have a guest writer corner too.
